Matchless: The Life and Love of JesusVoorbeeld

Matchless: The Life and Love of Jesus


Day 7: A Choice to Make

First, watch the video. 

I wrote this study in a time period that will never exist again, at least I pray it won’t. I wrote some of the homework within a half hour of designing my dad’s tombstone. I wrote from airplanes that shook in the sky while I cried. I stayed up, woke up, and gave up more times than I can count. 

You, my stranger-friend, entered my life when I felt the least equipped to play the part of a Bible teacher. 

Which, ironically, I learned was not necessary in order for the gospel to continue to spread—I will tell you THAT WAS SURE A RELIEF.

I hope one of the things you heard in the last few days is that you are not responsible for being anything more than what I am: a daughter who wants to be with her Father. 

Jesus is coming back. He will rule the world, and all will be made right. Those of us who believe will be with Him for eternity in heaven, and those who don’t will not. 

This is without question the most important decision you will make in your life, and we started the study off with a sentence that leads to your answer: Who do you think He is? 

Read Romans 10:17.

I’ll warn you; it isn’t easy because our nature wants to run and hide from God. Thanks, Eve. The truth is, we’re all sinners. We’ve all fallen short. (See Rom. 3:23.)

But God loves you enough to offer you a new life with Him. In fact, He loves you so much that He died to rescue you from sin. Those aren’t just words on a page—they’re an invitation for you to believe and to be forgiven. 

There aren’t specific words, and there isn’t a magic formula. It’s the decision to tell God that you know there is nothing you can do to save yourself from sin, and you recognize that He is the only One who can. 

It isn’t enough to just be sorry about the fact that you’ve sinned; you have to genuinely repent for what you know to be true. We just can’t do it on our own. 

Talk to God. 

Pray to Him. 

Ask Him to reveal Himself to you, and when He does (and He will), bow your knee to Him and commit to spending the rest of your life as His disciple. 

It’s the most important decision you’ll ever make, and if it’s one you made here, I want to hear all about it. 

In this very moment I am praying for you and asking the Lord to be so undeniable that you can’t imagine a life without Him. 

He wants nothing more, friend. 

For more of this study by Angie Smith, visit 

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Matchless: The Life and Love of Jesus

Join "Seamless" author Angie Smith in this 7-day search for truth as she unfolds the story of our matchless Savior—His mission, miracles, and message. Whether you’ve walked with Him for years or are meeting Him for the first time, this study will deepen your understanding of Jesus through biblical, historical, and cultural insight and help you see Him less as an iconic figure and more as an intimate friend.
