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The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part TwoVoorbeeld

The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part Two

DAG 3 VAN 29

Daily Reflection: Psalm 46 is the first Psalm in a series of writings that aim to recognize and provide thanksgiving for the protection he provides for his family. In this particular Psalm, the writer uses the language of “refuge” to describe the presence of the Lord. In Hebrew, the word for refuge is machseh, which translates to an “impenetrable fortress.” In other words, God’s works are not only for the overall benefit of his family, but they are also unshakable in the face of any opposition.

Daily Demonstration: The understanding that God’s ways are impenetrable is not always the intuitive way that we tend to think of him. Often, we put our ways ahead of his under the mistaken thought that they will be more impenetrable if we have control over them. This, however, cannot be farther from the truth. What kinds of things are you holding on to control today? How can these things be handed to the impenetrable fortress of God and his provision? Beware, you will have to exercise some extreme faith in this task!

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