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The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part TwoVoorbeeld

The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part Two

DAG 17 VAN 29

Daily Reflection: The healing of the deaf and mute man in Mark 7 contains intricate details that reveal the love that Jesus has for his family. Again, Jesus was inspired by the love of the people who surrounded this man. They longed to see his healing. Even so, Jesus takes him to a private place and touches both his tongue and his ears before healing him. Why would he do this? Jesus was interacting with this man with senses that worked. Jesus’ healing touch was about to become his reality. When Jesus then proclaims healing out loud, it is interesting to note that the man himself could not hear it yet, but that did not matter. Though he couldn’t hear it, all of creation certainly could. In a single moment, the love of God can radically change the lives of those in his eternal family.

Daily Demonstration: Is there any area of your life in which you need healing? This could be something to do with your physical body, or it could also be hearing in the realm of family, friendships, and thought processes. Don’t be afraid to ask the Lord for his healing touch today. Be bold in your ask and consider asking someone else to participate in the prayers.

Dag 16Dag 18

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