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Happy And FreeVoorbeeld

Happy And Free

DAG 12 VAN 24

How we read God’s Word has changed dramatically in recent history. Historically speaking, the majority of Jesus followers were illiterate. They would often have pieces of scripture, maybe a book, a chapter, or just a few verses. Now, we can read the Bible on our phones with hundreds of translation options!

Today’s passage paints a beautiful picture of what your soul looks like when you spend quality time meditating on God’s Word. God’s Word is vital for spiritual growth. It’s one of the greatest ways to be filled and fruitful. Jesus described God’s word as necessary for life when he said: “‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ Matthew 4:4

What is God saying to you through Psalm 1:1-3? Ask God to increase your appetite for his Word.  

Dag 11Dag 13

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Happy And Free

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