It Is Finished (Bible App For Kids)Voorbeeld
We can love like Jesus by giving people what they need. Some people have sad faces, so they might need a hug. Some people need a new friend, so you can play with them. Some people are hungry, so you can share some food with them. Get some paper, and draw a picture of people you know. Pray for God to help you give them what they need. The next time you see them, ask them if they need anything. If they're not sure, ask if they'd like a hug! Tell them you love them, and Jesus does, too!
Aangaande hierdie leesplan
This fun plan for kids teaches real-life lessons from a Bible App for Kids story. Each day's video teaches a memory verse, a key truth, a song, and other concrete ways to help abstract truths stick. Visit to get this free, interactive app for your kids.