21 Prayers Every Christain Should PrayVoorbeeld

21 Prayers Every Christain Should Pray

DAG 15 VAN 21


Today’s Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

This might not sound like a good prayer if you’ve been trying to shed a few extra lbs., but that’s not the kind of enlarging I’m referring to. I’m talking about generosity – having a bigger heart. I’m talking about asking God to replace our natural tendency toward selfishness with a spiritual aptitude for selflessness. 

Growing in generosity usually starts with us having a greater appreciation for how generous God has been with us. He has given me more than I’ve ever deserved, so I can give; I can give joyfully. He has forgiven me, so I can forgive. He accentuates the good things about me, so I can be generous with the words I speak about others. This is how God’s Kingdom operates.

Ask God to forgive you of any greed, selfishness, unforgiveness, or stinginess. And ask Him to replace these things with a big, overflowing, spirit of generosity.

Today’s Prayer Focus: A Generous, Overflowing Heart

Dag 14Dag 16