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Learning The Lessons Of LamentVoorbeeld

Learning The Lessons Of Lament

DAG 7 VAN 14

I confess that I haven’t always trusted God with every aspect of my life. A few years ago I experienced a personal crisis and I had to admit that I lacked a particular kind of trust—that if the worst happened, God would carry me even then. It wasn’t about trusting that the worst wouldn’t happen. I was pragmatic enough to know it could. It was about trusting that God would be with me still, even if the worst did happen. It was about trusting that no matter what, God was sovereign and in control and that I could believe in His inherent goodness, no matter if good or bad happened to me. 

Eventually I chose to believe in the existence of a good God—I made the decision to trust. My choice was based on my belief that my experience of doubt, uncertainty, disappointment, and distress was not anything I had exclusive rights to. That path had been trod many times before, not least of which by Jesus. 

I am comforted by knowing that in this passage, during a time of great distress, Jesus cried out to God about the unfairness of it all, and then chose to trust Him completely—no matter what.

Question: What do you need to trust God for, or with? What is it that stops you from trusting Him?

Dag 6Dag 8

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