John 13
chapter thirteen
1and before the Yom Tov Pesach, in this way as Yehoshua did know, that his hour is come, so that he shall depart from the this world to the Father, having loved his own, who are in the world, did he them love had until the end. 2and while the feast in evening, after the as the Satan had already had put in heart of Yehudah son of Simon man from Kriot, that he shall him betray, 3(Yehoshua) knowing, that the Father did him everything give over in the hands into, and that he did come from Hashem and goes to Hashem, 4did he get up from the table, and did put away the garments, and taking a towel, did he himself gird around. 5after that did he pour water in the basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and wipe them with the towel, with which he was gird around. 6so comes he to Simon Peter. says he to him: L-rd, you (SG) you shall me wash the feet? 7did Yehoshua answer and said to him: what I do, you know not now, later however will you yourself find out. 8says Peter to him: you (SG) you shall me never way never not wash my feet. did Yehoshua him answer: if I wash you not, you have not any share with we. 9says Simon Peter to him: L-rd, not only my feet, but even my hands and the head! 10says Yehoshua to him: the one who is washed needs not more than to wash the feet, because he is wholly clean; and you (PL) are clean, however not all. 11because he did know, who it will him betray; therefore did he say: not all are you (PL) clean.
12and when he did already had washed their feet, and took his garments, and self again sat down, did he to them say: (question) know you (PL) what I have done to you (PL)? 13you (PL) call me Rebbe and L-rd, and rightly say you (PL), because I am this. 14therefore if I, the L-rd and Rebbe, have you (PL) washed your (PL) feet, are you (PL) also obligated to wash one the other the feet. 15because I have you (PL) given an example, so that, as I have done to you (PL), so shall you (PL) also do. 16in truth, in truth say I you (PL); a servant is not greater than his lord, also is a messenger not greater than the one, who did him send. 17if you (PL) know that, blessed are you (PL), if you (PL) do it. 18not about you (PL) all speak I; because I know whom I have chosen; but so that the verse shall fulfilled become:
the one, who eats my bread,
did lift up his step (heel) against me.
(Psalms 41, 10)
19already now tell I it (to) you (PL), before it occurs, so that when it will to happen, shall you (PL) believe, that I am He. 20in truth, in truth tell I you (PL): who it accepts on the one, whom I send, that (one) accepts me on; and who it accepts me on, that (one) accepts on Him, who did me send.
21this saying, did Yehoshua self troubled in His spirit, and did witness said, and spoke: in truth, in truth say I you (PL): one of you (PL) will me betray. 22the disciples did therefore look one on the other, doubtful about whom he was saying this. 23and one of his disciples, whom Yehoshua did (particularly) love had, was leaning on Yeshua's chest. 24did Simon Peter motion to the this one, and to him said: tell who it is, about whom he speaks. 25inclining himself in this way to Yeshua's chest, says that one to him: L-rd, who is it? 26Yehoshua did answer: that one is it, for whom I will dip the morsel and him give. and dipping the morsel, takes he and gives it to Yehudah son of Simon man from Kriot. 27and after the morsel is the Satan then enter in him. Yehoshua did therefore to him say: what you (SG) do, do quickly. 28and anyone around that table did not understand, why he had that said to him. 29because some did think, because Yehudah did have the purse, says Yehoshua to him: buy one, what we need for Yom Tov; or that he shall something give to the poor people. 30and as he did take the morsel, is he immediately went out; and it was night.
31and when he did go out, did Yehoshua say: now is the Son of Man glorified, and Hashem is glorified in him; 32and if Hashem is glorified in him, will Hashem him glorify in self alone, and soon will he him glorify. 33children, yet a short time am I with you (PL). you (PL) will me seek, and as I have said to the Judaeans: where I go, can you (PL) not come, so tell I also you (PL) now. 34a new commandment give I you (PL), that you (PL) shall love have one the other; as I did you (PL) love had, so shall you (PL) also love have one (for) the other. 35through the this will all recognize, that you (PL) are my disciples, if you (PL) will have love one for the other.
36says Simon Peter to him: L-rd, where go you? did Yehoshua answer: where I go, can you me now not follow, later however will you me follow. 37says Peter to him: L-rd, why can I you (SG) now not follow? my life will I lay down for your sake. 38answers Yehoshua: your life will you lay down for my sake? in truth, in truth say I (to) you (sg): before yet the cock will crow, will you me three times deny!
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