Uhambo Oluya EmkhonjeniIsampula

Journey To The Manger


Jesus Is Kinsman-Redeemer

The Old Testament foreshadows a divine deliverer who would rescue humankind from bondage and captivity. One symbol of this coming redemption was the role of the kinsman-redeemer, a close family member who could choose to rescue a relative by paying his debts.

As the fulfillment of this sign, Jesus became our Kinsman-Redeemer. He became flesh and blood so that He might share in our humanity, becoming the Son of Man as well as the Son of God. He walked with us, identifying with us so that He could pay our debts and show us the way back to our Creator. No one else could have delivered us from our sins and freed us from bondage.

Activity: Bake some goodies and treat your neighbors or co-workers to something sweet.

Usuku 60Usuku 62

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Journey To The Manger

Ngobusuku obuthule eminyakeni ewu-2000 eyedlule, izingelosi zaletha izindaba zokuzalwa koMsindisi eqenjini labelusi ababeluse imihlambi yabo. Futhi ngemuva kokuzwa lezi zindaba, labo belusi bashiya konke ukufuna umntwana emkhombeni eBetlehema. Yonke le minyaka kamuva, isimemo asikashintshi. Joyina uDkt. Charles Stanley njengoba ekusiza ukuba usondele kuMsindisi futhi ekukhuthaza ukuthi wenze isikhathi sokuphumula othandweni lukaBaba kule sizini


Sithanda ukubonga iTouch Ministries ngokusinikeza loluhlelo. Ngeminye imininingwane, sicela uvakashele: https://intouch.cc/yv18