Hearing And Obeying - Disciple Makers Series #2Isampula

Hearing And Obeying - Disciple Makers Series #2


Drawing Attention to Ourselves 

I am going to repeat this for three days and look at the three types of temptation that we face.

The second test – the desire to draw attention to ourselves.  

Satan tried to get Jesus to draw attention to Himself – and what God could do through Him.  Jesus could throw Himself down and expect God to protect Him because of a promise we find in the Bible.  It sounds very spiritual, but it is not.  It is sin.  

Here it reveals that we sin when “it is all about us”, what God is doing in us, our maturity in our walk with God, our understanding of God’s promises, me, me, me….  It is all about making us look good/right/mature in the eyes of those around us.  

Let God choose whether we look good in the eyes of people.  Let’s make it our desire to always make God look good in everything we say and do.  

Time to Pray

Father, how can I make You look good before my world today?  How can my actions not draw attention to me and what I am doing and be focused on You?  Help me not to use Your promises as a way to have people look at me, but rather as a way to draw attention to You and the love You have for all people.  Help all of us today.  In Jesus’ name Amen.


To continue on the Disciple Makers Series click on the link below:

Jesus who? 


Usuku 5

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Hearing And Obeying - Disciple Makers Series #2

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is the 2nd of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. Hearing God speak or doing what God requires is more difficult than we realise – because life can be complicated. Watch how people do it.
