Welcome HomeIsampula

Welcome Home


A Holy Moment

In many well-known encounters with Jesus in Scripture, the individuals describing their experience in His presence often end up prostrate, crying out, "Holy!" In Revelation, we see that these holy moments occur both in heaven and on earth. Both human beings and heavenly beings are on their knees before the throne of God, praising Him for His magnificence.

It is so clear to say that in all these cases, their words are not carefully scripted or gingerly rehearsed. But everything inside of them lunges itself downwards in humility and bursts forth to worship God. The only worthy response to seeing Jesus is worshipping Him.

God does not need our worship, but He fully deserves our worship. He and He alone is worthy of worship. You and I were made to worship God. Worshipping God is, therefore, also good for us. When we recognise the unending worth of our Creator, we also experience the life that flows from God’s throne to us. We need His life-giving presence. When we receive an encounter with the King of kings and Lord of lords, our natural response is awe. We are in awe of the Creator God, who is seated on the highest of thrones. As you read through the Scriptures of the day, read it as if you are the one singing the praises to God. Then, take a few minutes to worship God. You can put on some praise and worship music or simply worship God in silence. The most important part of worship is the posture of our hearts: humility, vulnerability, and reverence.

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Welcome Home

ShofarBand is a South African worship and songwriting collective. In January 2024, we released our live album, Welcome Home. This plan is based on those songs, telling the story of a God who is both transcendent and intimate, both high above and near to us. May this plan and these songs enlarge our view of the love and holiness of God, creating space for encounters with His Holy Spirit.
