Tired of Trying: How to Hold on to God When You’re Frustrated, Fed Up, and Feeling ForgottenIsampula

Tired of Trying: How to Hold on to God When You’re Frustrated, Fed Up, and Feeling Forgotten


Admit Frustration

I told myself I didn’t care about anything, but the truth was, I did care—a lot. I cared what everyone thought of me. I cared about whether I mattered, why I felt so rejected, and why my mind felt like it was broken.

Maybe you’ve had feelings like these too. You might even admit you feel let down by God, and you can’t help but wonder why God is letting it hurt so much. I know how lonely that place can be.

In case you need the reminder, it is absolutely okay that you feel “over it” and like your pain has stolen the best of who you are. I know you expected to handle this better, to be stronger when everything came crashing down, but it’s okay if you’re feeling weak and unsure. God never called you to be superwoman; you’re just a girl who is hurting deeply and who needs her Savior.

When we reach the place where the only choice is to run to God or run from Him, God invites us to hold on to Him even tighter—to wrestle with Him.

It’s an invitation God first gave the biblical character Jacob. When Jacob was in a very frustrating season, he pleaded with God for rescue. Instead of rushing in to save him, God’s answer was to engage him in a wrestle (see Genesis 32).

This kind of wrestle is never quick or easy. It requires us to continue to bring our hearts to God as we navigate the painful space between how life was supposed to be and how it is now. But this wrestling has a purpose. God never requires anything from us that is not for our good, for the outworking of His Kingdom, and for the glory of His name. We must hold on to this truth, even when it’s hardest to do so: “We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28, ESV).

Even when you’re tired, you are not done, and God is not done with you. Jesus died so you could have every spiritual blessing He has for you; don't settle for less.

Reflection Questions:
Where in your life are you trying to figure things out or make things better? Are there any areas in your life you feel frustrated?

Lord, You know I love You, but this feels too hard. If You are calling me to wrestle, give me the strength I need to hold on to You with all I have. I need You, Lord.

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Tired of Trying: How to Hold on to God When You’re Frustrated, Fed Up, and Feeling Forgotten

You’ve tried it all—saying the right words, praying the right prayers, reading the right Bible verses—and still, nothing seems to work. You’re tired of trying. Ashley Morgan Jackson is no stranger to this kind of spiritual exhaustion, and yet she found that sometimes God requires us to hold on to Him so we can let go of everything holding us back. God will help you hold on.
