Watch With Me Series 5Isampula

Watch With Me Series 5


Watch With ME

Seeking the perspective of Jesus

“A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered.” Proverbs 17: 27 NIV

During WW II there were placards in schools, factories and various other places that offered admonitions to watch what you say and to whom you say it. Here are some examples: Loose Lips Might Sink Ships, Defense On The Sea Begins On The Shore, Defense In The Field Begins In The Factory. Why were these slogans being pasted on billboards around this country? There is a simple explanation. The USA was at war and the enemy was looking for information to use against us. Today, in the big scheme of things, we would question how factory workers or suppliers or shipping clerks who are not on the front lines could make a difference in a foreign war? After all, aren’t these non-battlefield positions? Therefore, we would have difficulty in understanding the fear that our parents and grandparents were under during that time in history. However, it was those factory workers who were involved with the innovation and manufacture of war machines that went to the battlefront. Because of this, there was no better source of information for the enemy than from those whose hands were on the wheels for producing war assets for our troops. The workers were constantly reminded that they could not be casual with their words, for what might be said could costs lives and even forfeit a war. That was then and this is now. So how does this information relate? Would it be that the Body of Christ would clearly see the spiritual war that we are in and understand the awesome responsibility that we have with our words? If we were to become as serious as our forefathers were about not wanting to give the enemy information that could be used against us, we too, could go a long way in establishing a defense against the mortal enemy of God’s family who wants to use our words against us. Therefore, I think we as God’s Army need to have our own slogans that remind us that casual words may very well lead to a casualty, if not in our life maybe in someone else. Therefore, write these slogans down in your heart and keep them close to your thoughts. Even add some of your own. Prepare yourself for the use of your tongue, for there are forces at work that would like to use everything you say against you. Give them nothing to work with, by speaking only those things that honor your King.


“When a word goes out it cannot be retrieved.” I’ve been reading Proverbs lately, and I see an important message consistently given to the wise man. Proverbs is a book in the Bible that if read consistently will increase one’s wisdom and in it, we see a recommendation that rings out consistently, which is to control what we say. Why is this? For when a word is spoken it could bring great damage to the hearer as well the giver of the words. Loose lips sink ships and lives, as well. A wise man restrains his tongue and speaks with action rather than reaction. A Man of God must allow Christ to harness his tongue, for once a word is spoken it cannot be retrieved.

“I have said many things that I have regretted. But, I have never regretted something that I did not say.” This is a great placard of which we should all be reminded. If followed, it will be a powerful antidote for the problem that a word spoken cannot be retrieved. Think of the many times that you spoke without knowing all the facts? Think of the times you spoke with anger or haste brought on because you were upset. A wise man will restrain his words until he has all the facts. A wise man will not “answer a fool according to his folly.” A wise man will not allow someone else’s actions and words to provoke him into saying words that he will regret. A Man of God must allow Christ to filter his words before he speaks and he will not regret the outcome.

“What do my words produce in another person?” Proverbs 25:11 offers a beautiful description of how words should be used by a Man of God. It says: A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. What a wonderful picture of words that produce fruit to God’s glory. A Man of God should ask himself, “How will I use my words today? Will I bless with them or curse with them? Will I encourage with them or will I discourage with them? Will I use my words to invest into another person’s self-esteem or will they extract his dignity? Will I use my words to God’s glory or to Satan’s delight? Will I speak with the voice of one who is identified with God’s royal priesthood, or will I speak as one who stands outside the Holy of Holies?“

“Will my words be pleasing or displeasing to my King?” A Man of God should be concerned with only one agenda with his words. Do they bring pleasure to Jesus? As we spend time with Jesus in an abiding relationship with Him, we come to understand that the greatest joy and the greatest strength we will ever have will be found in God’s delight in us. His delight in us empowers us to face giants and prevail. His joy is our strength. When we speak words that encourage rather than belittle, comfort rather than dishearten, lift up rather than put down, instill hope rather than hopelessness, we are speaking words that come from Him through us. This delights our King and when the King delights in a man, look what happens: “If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.“ Psalm 37: 23-24 NIV

“What is stored up in my heart? Jesus taught how words can reveal the condition of our heart.” The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45 NIV) As an example, most marriage counselors will recommend that married couples need to resolve issues of anger, bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness before it stores up in our memory banks. If it goes to that place, it will fester and grow larger than the original offense, as our minds layer on more specific irritations and add to the account. Once it erupts, there is often much damage that is hard to overcome. They tell us that good communications, respect, repentance and forgiveness will properly vent these irritations and keep a relationship healthy. Likewise, a Man of God must not hold onto anger, unforgiveness and bitterness, even though in his mind, he feels justified in doing so. Like a cancer that lurks in our bodies and silently consumes its host, these unresolved issues will consume our joy, our spiritual vitality, our peace and our perspective. The symptom of this hidden condition will eventually reveal itself through our words. Listen to your words and they will reveal the condition of your heart. Then, make it your priority to get your heart right before the Lord and good words will follow.

“The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just. The law of his God is in his heart; his feet do not slip.” Psalm 37: 30-31 NIV

This past weekend my family and I were briefly around a profane person whose every other word was laced with an obscenity. This person had no regard for our young grandchildren who were exposed to these words or the fact that everyone else was uncomfortable and resented the words. It was obvious that this was a bitter person who had a large memory bank of resentments towards a lot of people that included sisters, ex spouse and ex friends. There were a lot of ex’s with this person, which now include my family and me. The unfortunate thing for this person is that the people who did the offending are no longer around, as they couldn’t stand to be in the presence of this person any longer. The only thing that remains of their offense is what remains in this person’s memory banks, as the anger and resentment continues to stoke the fire and consumes the host. This person is 63 years old, and I believe that it is easy to predict how life will one day end. There will be very few people around, only those who feel a responsibility to have to be there. There will be no tears at the funeral, for there will be no regret for the death. Most will think that it was just too difficult to be around this person and that their lives will be better off now. As I consider these thoughts, I also consider the tragedy and waste. A legacy has been lost. A life has been wasted. A life has been ruined, along with many others, because the heart was embittered and the words it produced poisoned every relationship that this person ever had. Is it any wonder that a Man of God must protect his heart at all times? Men, never allow a bitterness to remain in you, for it will reveal itself though your words and eventually your actions, and the enemy will make sure that everything you say will hurt all that you love, including yourself. Stand firm and stand right by investing your words wisely.

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Watch With Me Series 5

Watch With Me Seeking the perspective of Jesus... Rocky Fleming is father, husband, minister, author, with 40 years experience making disciples. Join Rocky as he reflects on everyday opportunities to see God working, through situations, to make Himself known and to change our hearts.
