Boom: Blessings, Opportunities, Outpouring & MiraclesIsampula

Boom: Blessings, Opportunities, Outpouring & Miracles



We see in the passage today that the disciples are becoming bold and confident in their approach, and no amount of pressure or persecution will slow down the Spirit’s work. Luke records that their boldness was ‘observed’ and surprised their opponents, as they knew they were ‘untrained.’


Jesus had forewarned them that there would be opposition, especially as they began to preach the Good News about Himself. It often takes us off guard when we realize that not everyone rejoices or believes when miracles occur, and not everyone celebrates when blessings are pouring out.

The Jewish leaders were threatened by the message about the resurrection of the dead through Jesus Christ. This was partly because they were the ones who arrested and ensured His crucifixion. Still, it was also terribly confronting to realize that they may have murdered their own Messiah, the one the Prophet Moses had promised the nation 1500 years earlier.

So they added this to their offenses; they arrested and imprisoned the apostles! But of course, the word of God cannot be imprisoned, and this persecution did not dim the passion of the disciples. This attention only spurred on their boldness and grew their audience.

You know when you apply lots of pressure to a coiled spring, and it only encourages it to erupt and spring back with greater force? Likewise, the Church exploded in growth despite the pressure. Peter and John’s courage and the power of the Holy Spirit drew thousands of people to believe in Jesus.

Peter uses this opportunity to declare the power of the Name of Jesus Christ. He is the stone the Builders rejected. This is a direct quote from King David about his future son, who would be the Everlasting King. (See Psalm 118:22)

After the prayer came the outpouring.

When Peter and John were freed, they didn’t run into hiding or isolation. Instead, they gathered together with the other believers and shared the testimony of both the miracles and the persecution they had encountered from the Jewish leaders.


This gathered Church was unified through their testimonies, and they didn’t respond by praying for greater protection. Instead, they charged on praying for more boldness and more confidence. Boldness to not only preach the Word of God but to see Supernatural miracles of healing and for Jesus’ name to be exalted. For a greater outpouring of His Spirit.

As a result of their prayers, they were again filled with the Holy Spirit, and their tongues were released in praise. There was a great unity of heart and mind, a great generosity of possessions, and a great declaration of the resurrection of Jesus. This outpouring only fed their boldness and drew more people into a relationship with Christ.


This encounter, fully described in Acts chapters 3-4, perfectly depicts the “BOOM” idea. We see the blessing in Peter and John, who take the opportunity to do good to someone, which results in a great outpouring, and mighty miracles are performed as a result of their proclamation & actions.

And our prayer should be; Do it again, Lord!

  1. How might the opposition in this story and the positive results it spurred on, reframe the opposition you might be experiencing today?
Usuku 2Usuku 4

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Boom: Blessings, Opportunities, Outpouring & Miracles

Join us for a devotion titled ‘BOOM.’ More than a simple onomatopoeic word, this word has been used since the beginning of 2022 as the world attempts to move on from lockdowns and isolation. Recent history has been characterized by disease and division but we are believing you will experience a BOOM year in the LORD. BOOM referring to; Blessings, Opportunities, Outpouring, and Miracles!
