Our Biblical GPSIsampula

Our Biblical GPS


Gratitude for your guide

Colossae had been a leading city at one point, but by the first century, it was more of a market village, providing for the needs of its residents. Many theologians credit Epaphras, an early convert through Paul’s ministry, for establishing the Christian church in Colossae. The letter to the Colossians was likely written while Paul was imprisoned in Rome after Epaphras had come to visit. The purpose of Colossians was to address the heresy that had become popular teaching in the church. Paul’s letter does that by exalting Christ as the very image of God, deity in bodily form. Paul teaches that the goal of every Christian is to allow Christ to be the guide and therefore enable us to turn away from anything which opposes God’s truth. A bank employee is taught to carefully learn what an authentic bill looks like so that any counterfeit bill is recognizable. Paul taught the Christians in Colossae to do the same.

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Our Biblical GPS

Our earthly lives are a journey, and God’s guidance system enables us to avoid many detours along the way. We remain on the best road home when we allow God’s word to be our guidance system through the Holy Spirit.
