Prestonwood Worship - Songs Of The PeopleIsampula

Prestonwood Worship - Songs Of The People


"Our Story, Our Song"

When God truly moves in your life, it is not a private matter. All throughout scripture, when God changes people’s lives, they are overwhelmed with gratitude and joy and can’t help but want to shout the good news to anyone and everyone who would hear them. Even still, there are those in the Scriptures whom God blessed and healed who chose not to respond with gratitude and praise, and missed out on the blessing of it.

And so it is for us. When God gives us a story, he does not intend for us to hoard it all to ourselves, but rather to run out into the streets telling the world what he has done for us! He has filled us with his Spirit for the very purpose that, “We will be his witnesses… to the ends of the earth.”

We are all evangelists by nature. When we love something, we want people to know it. When we have had a life-altering meal, we tell our friends. When that incredible movie or album truly moves us, we want our friends to be moved as well. We post photos on Instagram and statuses on Facebook trying to share our moments – our stories – with the world.

Because God made stories for telling. And great stories are screaming to be told. When you have the greatest story in the world, it should be burning in you to get out. That you were once bound by fear, lost in sin, needing rescue, and then Jesus broke in, poured out hope, shattered your doubt. This is the Gospel! It is the power of God for salvation to all who believe.

This is our story. This is our song. And nothing is gonna keep our voices silent – we are free!
Usuku 2Usuku 4

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Prestonwood Worship - Songs Of The People

The Psalms are full of rich truth and deep emotion. The writers didn’t ignore the world around them or try to pretend their problems weren’t real. Instead, they drew from the truth they knew about God (his words, his ways, his character) to shape their worship and worldview. We have the privilege and joy of drawing from this well of truth to encourage our own souls today.
