Staying CommittedIsampula

Staying Committed


Keep Going.

At the end of the day, it’s your choice to stay in or walk out. It might feel like you don’t have a choice, but the reality of having free will means that in every moment you get to decide what you do.

Isaiah 40:31 mentions those who will renew their strength, soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, and walk and not be faint. It’s tempting to hear those things and think it sounds really nice, but it doesn’t apply to you or is somehow unattainable. But the beginning part of that verse says those people are the ones who hope in the Lord. They choose to put their hope in the Lord. You can make that choice today, and what happens next isn’t a toss-up. This isn’t the lottery. Those who put their hope in the Lord will renew their strength, will soar on wings like eagles, will run and not grow weary, and will walk and not be faint.

You can choose to keep going. You can choose to put your hope in the Lord. You can choose to believe that He is for you and with you. It doesn’t matter what it looks like, feels like, or seems like, and it doesn’t matter how close you’ve gotten to giving up or how poor your attitude has been. Psalm 73:23 reminds us that we still belong to God. He holds our hand. And the beautiful thing about being held by God is that He never lets us fall. When you think you can’t do it anymore, you can because you’re not holding yourself up; He is holding you up.

Go ahead. Stay. See and experience the unique way the glory of God shines through your life. You won’t regret it.

Consider where you might’ve been placing your hope elsewhere, and choose to return to hope in Jesus. Write down Isaiah 40:31 on a notecard or piece of paper and place it somewhere you’ll see it often. Remember what will come when you place your hope in Jesus.

Usuku 4

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Staying Committed

The beginning is always exciting, isn’t it? There is always the anticipation of what’s to come that compels you forward. It can be tempting to abandon what you’re in because the middle just isn’t as exciting. Maybe it’s exhausting. Maybe you've forgotten why you even started. Join Natalie Grant & Charlotte Gambill as they share tools to staying committed to the journey God has you on.
