Jesus, The Realest Relationship You'll Ever HaveIsampula

Jesus, The Realest Relationship You'll Ever Have



Sacrificial Love

Have you ever been in a situation that required a God send to get you out of? It could have been a situation where you were required to pay a price for something and if you didn’t pay, it would negatively change the trajectory of your life and those who depend on you. In times like those the thoughts that go through one’s mind is,  God please send a miracle to cover my personal debts. Well, God sent his Son Jesus to pay a sin debt that we could never pay on our own.  No one could’ve paid for our sins, other than God’s only son, Jesus Christ.  God loves you so much, and doesn’t want to be without you for eternity, so He sent his Son Jesus Christ to die for your sins, so that you could be reconciled back to Him, if you receive Him as your LORD and Savior.  Jesus loves you so much that he was willing to show you his sacrificial love. Jesus knows you aren’t perfect, but in Him you are made righteous. Jesus looked at you and said, now that is someone I want to be in relationship with, I love them and I will show them how much I love them, they’re worth dying for. We were all born into sin and because of that God said that the wages of sin is death, but the Gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our LORD (Romans 6:23).  There was no escaping judgement but Jesus Christ the perfect sacrifice offered himself to those who are willing to invite Him in as their personal Savior. What an incredible Savior we have in Jesus Christ, one who is about action and the fulfilled promises of His Word. 


Thank you Jesus for the ultimate Sacrifice, dying on the Cross for the world’s sins. I am thankful and grateful that today, you are my LORD and Savior and that I am in a committed relationship with you. Thank you for your love, sacrifice, and commitment to me.  In Jesus Name, AMEN. 

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Jesus, The Realest Relationship You'll Ever Have

Looking for a relationship that is sure to last? Are you seeking to build a foundation with someone who compliments your strengths and balances your weaknesses? Look no further, a relationship with Jesus Christ is a life-changing relationship worth pursuing. In this Bible plan, readers will discover that accepting Jesus into their lives is the beginning of the Realest relationship they’ll ever be in.
