Crowned With David: 7 Days Of SuccessIsampula

Crowned With David: 7 Days Of Success


The scene is set. Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, approaches in all his fury to battle the small challenger David. David, refusing to wear the bulky armor of Saul, enters the battlefield with only a slingshot, a few rocks, and his staff.

Everyone watching expected the worse. Here was this headstrong boy marching towards his suicide. They saw David’s weaknesses, but God saw his faith.

Goliath yells, trying to intimidate David, proclaiming that he will give his flesh to animals today. But David does not back down. He yells back, I come against you in the name of God, He is the one who fights for me, and it is your flesh the animals will eat today!

Goliath charges at him, like an avalanche of metal. David readies his slingshot and before Goliath can ever lay a hand on the young boy, the rock crashes into his head sending him face first into the ground. 

For good measure David then uses the giant’s own sword to cut off his head. It’s a brutal victory to say the least and we can only imagine the sense of awe that must have poured through the army of witnesses. 

This story is very much symbolic of what God would do through Israel for generations to come. The nation of Israel, like David, was small. They were constantly surrounded by bigger, stronger enemies. Yet they won victory after victory.

God loves to choose the weak things, and help them overcome the strong. That’s when His glory and power are most evident. 

When God moves, He wants there to be no confusion about who was truly responsible. He chooses the frail, the poor, and the uneducated because then, when they do the impossible, there can be no other explanation than divine action.

You may feel like what God has called you to do is impossible. That you are the last person in the world qualified to serve Him in this way, but I assure you – that makes you His first choice. Because through your weakness, He will be shown as strong and able and good. 

Takeaway: We should pursue the impossible because God’s strength shows itself through our weakness.

Prayer: God Almighty, thank You that You choose the ones the world overlooks. Please give me the courage to do great things, and to let Your glory shine through me.

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Crowned With David: 7 Days Of Success

A shepherd boy no one knew became the king no one would ever forget. Through trial and temptation, David rose to lead Israel into a new age of victory. David's victorious life is a model for our own. God has called you to greatness . He has given you the crown. This is your chance to walk alongside the great king of Israel and learn how to succeed in God's way. 
