Breakfast BitesIsampula

Breakfast Bites


 Seek to Do Good

For a small child, a shove from another gets a shove in return, a cruel word for a cruel word. They can’t help it; self-defense is an innate reaction to an attack. What these little ones don’t know yet but learn quickly is that regardless of who strikes first, both are punished. In our weaker moments, this natural impulse can rear its destructive head in our adult lives as well. “She said what? Oh, really? Well let me tell you about her issues...”

When we allow ugliness into our hearts, it takes up residence, and it invites its friends—bitterness, loneliness, and rage—to move in as well. They spread out, taking up more and more space, crowding out the peace, patience, and goodness of Jesus. This is why we must “seek to do good to one another and to all,” not because we’ll be punished, but so our hearts will be filled with the vitalizing gifts of the Spirit.

Holy Spirit, fill me with your fruit this morning! I need the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control you bring, so that no matter what is done to me, I can respond as I should.

Research indicates that those who make their bed every morning benefit from increased productivity, a sense of well-being, and steady adherence to a budget.

For more daily devotionals like these, check out the book Breakfast Bites: 2-Mintue Devotions to Start Your Day 

Usuku 6

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Breakfast Bites

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Be sure to start your day with food for your soul as well as your body! Breakfast Bites will encourage you to study the Scriptures each morning. Your heart will be filled with the fruit of the Spirit and your eyes focused on God as you begin your day. God’s love for you is unconditional! Embrace it each morning and let it change your outlook for the day.  
