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Journey To The Manger


The Incarnation

The most famous portion of Michelangelo’s masterpiece on the Sistine Chapel ceiling is called The Creation of Adam. Adam reclines on a rock, while God, rushing by in the clouds, extends His creative finger toward the first man. Adam reaches out toward God and their outstretched fingers almost meet—but they do not touch.

Contrast this image with the beauty of the incarnation: God becoming flesh so that He might not only be close to His creation, but also live as one of us, fully human and fully divine. The word “incarnation” may sound like a formal theological word, but it’s really a word that represents incredible intimacy.

Jesus became a baby, then a child, then an adolescent, and then a grown man—so that He could intimately relate to us in every way. There is no sacrifice that can compare with His.

Activity: Spend some time alone in nature. Contemplate how Jesus’ earthly life enables Him to relate to you right where you are.


Journey To The Manger

兩千年前一個寧靜的夜晚,天使把救世主將要降生的消息帶給一群正在放羊的牧羊人。牧羊人聽到消息後立即放下一切,前往伯利恆城尋找一個躺在馬槽內的嬰孩。多年以後的今日,這個尋求救主的邀請仍然有效。趁此佳節,請跟著查爾斯·史丹利博士 (Dr. Charles Stanley)一起探討如何親近我們的救主,並騰出一點時間來在天父的愛裡安歇。


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