21 Days of Breakthrough預覽

Day 15: Cheerful Giving
Generosity has a way of transforming us—not just the recipient, but the giver as well. In 2 Corinthians 9:7, Paul reminds us that God loves a cheerful giver. But what does it mean to give cheerfully? It means giving freely, joyfully, and with the confidence that God will use our gift for His glory and our good.
Think about the widow Jesus commended in Mark 12. She gave two small coins—an amount that seemed insignificant compared to the wealthy who were giving out of their abundance. Yet Jesus said her gift was the greatest because she gave all she had. Her heart trusted in God, not her resources. She gave not out of obligation but out of love and faith.
Cheerful giving isn’t about the size of your gift; it’s about the posture of your heart. It’s about releasing what’s in your hands without reluctance or fear, knowing that God will provide for your needs and multiply what you’ve given for His purposes. When we give out of gratitude and trust, we experience the joy of partnering with God in His work.
This week, consider how God might be inviting you to give cheerfully. Maybe it’s a financial gift, a commitment of your time, or offering encouragement to someone in need. Whatever it is, take time to pray about it and decide in your heart what you want to give—not out of compulsion, but as an act of worship.
Spend time in prayer: “Lord, thank You for all that You’ve given me. Help me to have a heart that gives freely and joyfully, trusting in Your provision. Teach me to reflect Your generosity in every area of my life. Let my giving be an act of worship that brings You glory.”
Remember, God doesn’t just see the gift you give; He sees the heart behind it. When we give cheerfully, we not only bless others—we draw closer to the heart of our generous God.

Over the next 21 days, we are setting aside time to seek God intentionally—through fasting, prayer, and giving. Matthew 6 reminds us that these three practices draw us closer to the heart of God and position us to experience His faithfulness in extraordinary ways. Each day, we'll be walking with you through stories from Scripture, personal reflections, and encouragement for this journey. Take time to reflect, pray, and let God speak to you. We're believing that as we lean into this together, He will do above and beyond all we could ask or imagine.