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Sacred Prayer - a 5-Day Reading Plan預覽

Sacred Prayer - a 5-Day Reading Plan


We don’t read the Word to merely know how to obey God’s will for us; we read the Word to know God, to have a fresh revelation of God, and to understand how He is for us. The Word of God is not meant to be read merely for some personal revelation, or to answer some question; it is meant to be read for a revelation of God’s heart so we choose a deeper relationship with Him.

Ultimately: The Word is read for a revelation of Love, who came for relationship. You read the page, the Word, to fall in love with a Person, the Word.

Because: There is a knowing that is only information, and there is a knowing that is holy intimacy. There is a knownness of intellectual acknowledgment, and there is an intimate knownness of deep affection. The sacred call is to know God—in Hebrew, to yada God. Yada is a Hebrew action of knowing that denotes “concern, inner engagement, dedication, or attachment to a person.” There is a knowing that is surface-level, and there is a knowing that is intimate, soul to soul.

This is the sacred way of Jesus: more than only information or instruction, always, ultimately intimacy. A sacred, intimate knowing is the only real knowing of God.

The power to change a life is in His Word. Stay in the Word, and your soul will be moved: moved in the only direction that matters, that heals, that fulfills, that steadies, that comforts, that revives you. Every line of God’s Word is like an axle—turning the soul around, moving the soul forward. Getting you there. Getting you into the arms of God. What if we kept turning our direction so that God is always our destination?

The goal isn’t ever a place; the goal is always a Person. The goal is the presence of your Provider, your peace, your purpose, your Person . . . your Jesus.

The goal isn’t to walk somewhere; it is to walk with Someone.

God is the goal.


Father, I want to walk with You. Please guide me, lead me, and help me know You. Amen.

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Sacred Prayer - a 5-Day Reading Plan

Experience deeper connection with God through the six SACRED steps of prayer in this 5-day reading plan in which Ann Voskamp shares her own personal prayer practice to help you discover the power and beauty of prayer.
