Daniel P1: Godly Living as a Stranger in the Land預覽

What do you learn about Daniel and the friends from these verses?
What about God? How does He care and provide for them?
How do they steward or take care of the position they’d been put in?
I can easily gloss over that just their preparation for the King’s service took 3 years- that’s long. And then we learn that Daniel remained until Cyrus took over- likely all of his life.
When there is no end to the captivity in sight (in his lifetime), how does that add to the challenge of remaining faithful?

How foggy the path ahead must have seemed for Daniel as he and his friends were captive. Marched to a foreign land, given foreign names, told to eat foreign food, and to worship foreign gods. Let's travel with the young Daniel as he negotiates following the One True God in this foreign place. We will see ourselves through his challenges and learn how we too can follow this One True God in our own foreign context.