Living in Christ: Embracing the Life God Has for You預覽

Jesus’ joy is only hinted at in the gospels, but it's safe to say that Jesus was definitely a man of joy. How could he not step into the disciples' joy on that resurrection morning? You know, I really doubt he stood by stoically as his friends and even his mother rejoiced that he was alive. No, I believe that Jesus rejoiced with them.
Now, at some time in the past, somewhere, for some reason, spiritual maturity became equated with stoicism. To be godly is to be frowning. Add to that the angst, the critical spirit, the quarrelsomeness that some people today think are new fruits of the Spirit, and we can see why we have a need to live in joy now.
Joy does not mean that we put plastic smiles on. Life is difficult at times. Pain and sorrow are real. So joy is not dismissing this and smiling through it. Rather, joy is fixing our hope on Christ. It is to know Jesus is with us always, He loves us always, and He's always bringing the best for us in whatever we face.
Just as light triumphs over darkness every time, joy triumphs over anything difficult we face in life.
- How does the culture where you live tend to view Christians?
- What are some ways that you can hold on to joy even in life’s darker days?

We all want to know why we are here; to know God's purpose for our lives. And knowing this starts with knowing what God says about us in His Word. In this devotional series, join Brian Dembowczyk as he helps us discover who God says we are so we can embrace the life God has for us in the gospel.