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ChangeMakers: Unsung Women of the Bible (Vol 1)預覽

ChangeMakers: Unsung Women of the Bible (Vol 1)



How do we both prepare and wait for opportunities?

With my legs trembling, I walked into the room. My heart knew God had called me there, but my tumultuous stomach had doubts. From my perspective, many other people were more capable than me. Yet, my relationship with God required my obedience to His gentle prompting. It was time.

In this passage, Huldah was known as someone prepared to give a trusted word from the Lord. As such, King Josiah sent the high priest, the king’s scribe, the king’s scribe’s son, and the king’s servant to seek God’s direction for his difficult situation. These four influential people showed up at Huldah’s door. It was time. How did she come to be sought out by such distinguished people in search of the Lord’s will?

While Huldah waited for opportunities to use her voice for more significant impact, we’re told that she also worked with her husband Shallum, “keeper of the wardrobe.” That meant that she likely helped mend things that needed to be repaired. She probably would have assisted in creating and managing resources that benefited the people of God. While obediently showing up, working, and serving in the “waiting,” she also sought the Lord and listened to His words. In doing so, she was approached by four very influential people on behalf of the king.

Faithfully waiting for moments of greater influence means we simultaneously work with what we have in our hands and learn to hear God clearly. There is action in the waiting. Conversing with God regularly provides practice when a crisis hits or opportunities arise, and we need to distinguish between God’s voice and the loudness of the problem or our own pounding heart. This faithfulness in waiting reassures us that God's timing is perfect, and we need to be patient.

When Huldah was given the opportunity to speak God’s message for the king, she spoke:

  1. God’s words clearly (2 Kings 22:15)
  2. Scripture boldly (2 Kings 22:16)
  3. Truth compassionately (2 Kings 22:19)
  4. Hope generously (2 Kings 22:20)

Contemporaries referred to Huldah as a prophet. She had the opportunity to influence an entire nation for God because she was found to be both faithful and faith-filled in the waiting.

Prayer & Meditation

What does “waiting” look like for you as you prepare for the next place of influence God has for you? As you meditate on the image of Huldah, imagine what it was like for her to serve and work faithfully and contently where she was daily. Ask God to search your heart. Do you need to confess any frustration, bitterness, or envy as you watch others receive opportunities you’d like? Have you become impatient, believing God’s forgotten you? Spend time with Him today. Let Him redirect your heart and hands as you serve faithfully, contently, and obediently as you wait on His perfect timing.

Written by Sarah Cochran

Photo credit: "The Prophetess Hulda Confirms the Authority of the Law of Moses to Hilkiah the Priest," Casper Luyken, 1708.

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ChangeMakers: Unsung Women of the Bible (Vol 1)

If you’ve ever felt unseen or unimportant and struggled to see how you could make a lasting impact for God’s kingdom, this is the plan for you! We know the significance of famous women in the Bible, such as Mary, Ruth, and Esther. But what about the unsung and even unnamed women in the Bible, like Jael, Tabitha, and the Canaanite woman? In part one of this plan, discover the lasting impact of ten changemakers. Their stories remind and encourage us that God sees, values, and has a divine purpose for his daughters.
