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Acts 6:1-7 | the Desperate Need for You預覽

Acts 6:1-7 | the Desperate Need for You


Growth brought struggle.

As the early church grew, the complexity of needs grew too, and the need for new people doing new things in new ways, bringing new organization to help keep things honoring God the right way.

Here the issue was Hellenistic Jews feeling overlooked against Hebraic Jews. They were in Jerusalem – a very Hebraic place. Maybe the widows native to the region were getting special treatment over those transplanting to the area. Maybe the priests who were coming to the faith were favoring their own. Maybe, like what happens in a lot of churches, people continued to divide along class lines or around circles of friends rather than seeing themselves as one family.

Growth brings new challenges. Often those challenges present new opportunities we would never think of without the growing pain. What challenges do you see in your church today? How can you be a part of the solution for them?

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Acts 6:1-7 | the Desperate Need for You

Acts is the story of the apostles, but it’s also a story of more than the apostles. It’s the story of God at work through every believer in Christ. This 5-day plan continues a journey through the book of Acts—the Bible’s gripping sequel of Jesus at work in the life of his followers as he expands his kingdom to the ends of the earth. It’s a journey on what it means to be a Christian. It’s a story in which you have a role to play.
