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Still Your Soul and Rest Your Mind: An Introduction to Christian Meditation預覽

Still Your Soul and Rest Your Mind: An Introduction to Christian Meditation


Admirable Attention

Mary and Martha were the sisters of Jesus’ friend Lazarus. In this passage we are privy to just a small moment in their lives when Jesus and his disciples had stopped at their home. We quickly see that the two women had very different focuses. While Martha was busy working to serve their guests, Mary simply sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to His teaching. Martha was focused on service while Mary was focused on presence. Both were doing good things, but when we consider the attitude and the attention of the heart, Mary chose better.

Hospitality was exceedingly important in the culture of that time, but Martha got lost in distractions and overwhelmed by tasks and grew irritated with Mary. At that time in society, a woman’s value was in her service to her family and guests at home. But Mary went against these societal expectations. When Martha confronted Jesus about it, He gently corrected her. Martha’s worry and distraction were taking her attention away from being truly present with Him.

Mary’s example of attention to Jesus, her priority of receiving God’s Word, is admirable.


Begin with a time of silence.

Still your body. . . Slow your breathing. . .Quiet your mind.

Focus on being fully present in this moment, right here, right now.

Opening Prayer

Ever-present Savior,

Though storms may swirl and whirl around me today, I choose to turn my attention to You. When You are near, no fear can capsize me. You calm the wind and the waves.

I invite You to speak to me, to search my heart and shape my life. Show me what is admirable.

Open my eyes to see You. Open my ears to hear Your voice. Open my heart to receive Your Word. Open my hands to accept whatever You give.

Draw close to me, Lord, as I draw close to You.


Read & Meditate

Read through Luke 10:38-42 three times, taking time to pause and pray and quietly listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart.

  1. Read through the passage slowly.

What is one word or phrase that stands out to you?

Pause & Pray

In silence, meditate on this word or phrase.

2. Read through the passage a second time.

This time, prayer through the passage, reading phrase by phrase. Talk to God, pausing to listen and respond to Him as you read.

Pause & Pray

In silence, bring your attention to the present moment.

3. Read through the passage a third time.

Sit in stillness again as you contemplate the word or phrase that stood out to you and how it may apply to your life right now.


Notice your body: What are you feeling right now?

Notice your thoughts: What are you thinking right now?

Notice your circumstances: What is happening in your life right now?

Compassionately consider these things, and listen to what the Holy Spirit may be revealing to you in light of today’s reading and meditation. What invitation might God be extending to you today? If you would like, take out a journal and write what God is inviting you to.

Surrendering Prayer

As I prepare to enter into the rest of my day, Lord,

May my pace be slow and unhurried, ever aware of Your presence with me.

May my mind be attentive and clear, noticing the gift of every moment.

May my heart be gentle and kind, showing compassion to myself and others.

Many things vie for my attention, but One is better than them all. In all that I do, make me mindful of You. Whether I serve or sit, whether I work or wait, may my mind be on You and my joy found in You.

Today, I will set aside the distractions, and I will sit at Your feet and rest in Your presence.

Keep turning my thoughts to whatever is admirable. Transform me to be more like You.



Continue to contemplate the word and invitation God gave you today.

Consider: What is taking your attention away from Jesus? What one thing can you do today to slow down your pace? What worry do you need to release?

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Still Your Soul and Rest Your Mind: An Introduction to Christian Meditation

Do you ever notice that even when your body is not moving, your mind is still racing? In this introduction to Scripture-based Christian meditation, you'll learn a framework for setting your mind on things above as you quiet the noise around and within you and allow the Holy Spirit to speak through God's Word.

