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Praying Powerful Prayers Over Your Family預覽

Praying Powerful Prayers Over Your Family


Praying for our Children’s Nation

While our troops defend our country abroad, we worry about the domestic enemies. Shootings, drug overdoses, border crises, corruption, economic crises, divisions—all make us wonder what will become of our beloved country. The old saying goes, “We have seen the enemy, and it is us.”

It may seem hopeless, and we may feel helpless, but it only means there is a certain call to arms for Christ's followers. We must take up the weapon of prayer for our country for the sake of our children.

If my own people will humbly pray and turn back to me and stop sinning, then I will answer them from heaven. I will forgive them and make their land fertile once again.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (CEV)

When Solomon had secured the throne, built the temple, and established peace at the borders, the Lord came to him. He spoke of when (not if) difficult times come. He instructed them then to humble themselves and pray. Then, God would heal their very land. For an agrarian society, that was critical. But beyond that, it was a healing of the nation for the good of all the people.

It may feel strange to pray for the good of America when so many people have turned their backs on God. But God is merciful—he “makes his sun to shine on bad and good people alike” (Matthew 5:45b). And he instructs us in his Word to pray for our nation's health.

We can pattern the approach of God’s ancient people as we seek God’s help. The first step is humbling ourselves, not seeking a platform or power. We begin by offering our hearts to God, acknowledging he is the only one with the power to rescue America. We are to acknowledge our faults first, then turn to God and stop sinning. We are to worship him alone, not our many idols of wealth, power, and comfort.

As a nation, we have benefitted from the prayers of generations before us. We live in a land where we can worship our God as we choose. We live in a land with many freedoms that others worldwide do not enjoy. God has surely blessed this nation. As we live with these blessings, we also recognize the enemy at work trying to destroy the good. So, let us pray. It is now our time to step up and bow our hearts before the King. Our children’s land needs healing.


God, you have blessed us in the past; we ask for your blessing for the future, for the sake of the children,and your glory. We see the devastating outcomes of our idol worship. Help us to turn from sin and humble ourselves before your throne. Please heal our land. Amen.


Conversation starter for kids: Provides you with questions and prompts to facilitate a time of applicable discussion with children to lead them towards knowing God and His Word more deeply.

Question(s): Why is it important for us to pray for America? What are some specific things our family can pray for this week?


Related passages: These additional verses will help parents expand their Scriptural knowledge and place on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

Ezekiel 22:30

1 Timothy 2:1-2


Tonia Gutting wrote this devotional for the Hero Squad Program of the American Bible Society. Hero Squad provides complimentary faith-based resources to strengthen and encourage Military families through God’s Word. For more information or to enroll your Military family, check out our



Praying Powerful Prayers Over Your Family

Do you actually believe that prayer matters? This six-day devotional teaches parents how to pray prayers over children that are on the offensive, filled with praise, and positioned towards repentance.
