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Finding Hope in Insecurity With Amy Carmichael預覽

Finding Hope in Insecurity With Amy Carmichael


To one who felt useless

My first feeling was to write and tell you that you are mis­taken, but though I think you are, in part, I won’t write so. Instead, I will say what our heavenly Father said to me long ago, and says to me still very often: “See in it a chance to die.”

Perhaps the brave love of God is touching the I (self) in you with death, that it may be in very truth "not I but Christ" (Gal. 2:19–20). This is your heart’s desire, your deepest desire, and He counts nothing too much to do, that it may be fully fulfilled. “Pon­der the voice of my humble desire” (Ps. 86:5–7). He has pondered it; He is answering it. So be of good cheer. Don’t heed the devil’s whisper about uselessness. Is he not the father of lies? Why believe a liar? God is working out a most beautiful purpose.

Now good night, and let the Lord give His beloved sleep untroubled by the unkind remarks of the enemy. Believe me, he is not at all trustworthy, and you well know your Lord is. Does He ever break His word? No, never, and He knows that you know it. “For Thou, Lord, hast never failed them that fear Thee” (Ps. 9:9–10). No, nor ever will.



Finding Hope in Insecurity With Amy Carmichael

Do you ever feel like a failure? Do you go through times of doubt and deep insecurity? After an accident left her confined to her room in constant pain for the last twenty years of her life, Amy Carmichael penned countless precious letters to friends. Compiled in the book Candles in the Dark, her letters offer encouragement and hope to those experiencing insecurity. Let her words strengthen and comfort you.
