21 Days of Stretch預覽

Stretch Yourself
Try new things!
If Ecclesiastes 11:4-6 is not a challenge or encouragement to us to try new things then I don’t know what else will spur us on. You won’t know if your next ‘breakthrough idea’ will actually breakthrough unless you try. And you will never find where those undiscovered passions of yours lie unless you try new things.
God does not want us to stay at the same level. He wants us to succeed and not to be stagnant and idle. Sowing seeds and reaping the fruits of that labour. God wants us to do well. There may be things you have been putting off doing or starting and God is saying the time is now! For those that always wait for the perfect time to begin a project will not sow and will not reap.
There is also a window of opportunity here that should not be missed. Your church needs you. Your local community needs you. The kingdom needs you. It needs you with a ‘yes attitude’. It needs you to really grasp the true sentiment of this scripture. There is so much yet to be born out of you and that requires willingness to sow your seed in the morning and in the evening let not your hands be idle.
Today, really think about what you can do for God. If you're stuck, then commit time during this fast to pray on just that. God needs you to discover your gifts and explore them in the safety of his Kingdom. Stretch yourself to try new things for your next big step but more importantly try something new for God.