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Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled Living預覽

Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled Living


The second activity that can help you “grasp” God’s Word is reading. Congratulations! You have already been reading God's Word each day with this plan!

We encourage you to keep this new habit after the plan ends. There are many other great Bible plans available in the YouVersion Bible app. In addition to this great app, there is great value in having a physical copy of the Bible. The NIV Study Bible or the Life Application Study Bible are a few good options.

As you read, one thing that can be very helpful is to look at more than one translation of the Bible. For example, reading the same verse or passage in the NIV (New International Version) translation and the NLT (New Living Translation) may have slightly different word choices or sentence structures. This is because as the original languages of the Bible are translated into English, the translators try to choose the best way to translate the author’s intended message. These slight differences in translation can help you grasp the passage's meaning, as one translation might make more sense to you.

For your reading today, read Luke 19:1-10 in NIV first and then in the NLT. To switch translations on the YouVersion app, go to the Bible tab. Select the verses you want to read, and then look for the button indicating the translation you are using. It can be found in the top left corner of your screen, next to the book and chapter you are reading. Click the button for the translation and then select the translation.

After reading the passage in Luke today, reflect on the following questions: How did you feel about each translation you read today? Was there something you didn’t understand when you first read the verses in the NIV that became clear when you read it in NLT? Do you prefer one version over the other? These are both fantastic translations of the Bible. We encourage you to use whichever one you find easier to read and enjoy.

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Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled Living

Spiritual growth does not happen by accident! Jesus made it clear that the pathway to spiritual growth comes through abiding with him. This study will help you abide with Jesus each day and grow as his disciple in four aspects of the faith: Understanding the significance of baptism. Learning to live a Holy Spirit-directed life. Experiencing the power of prayer. Hearing God's voice through his Word.
