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Made to Create: Uncover and Use Your Creative Gifts預覽

Made to Create: Uncover and Use Your Creative Gifts


Fear Not!

Does the thought of bringing your creative dream out into the open fill you with anxiety?

You are not alone.

Fear has been with us from the beginning.

The first words we hear from Adam’s mouth are “I was afraid…” (Genesis 3:10) From that point onwards, humans have been fearful, and God has constantly been telling us not to be scared. No wonder there are over 350 verses in the Bible where God tells us to take courage and not to be afraid. He knows his children well.

Any time you venture out into a creative pursuit, you will feel some level of fear. This is natural. Creativity is, by definition, an exploration into the unknown.

Your mind is designed to protect you from threats and keep you safely in your comfort zone. Learning to take creative risks doesn’t mean the fear will go away. Rather, it means getting used to having fear without letting it take over and direct your steps.

With creativity, the outcomes are almost always unknown. By definition, there is no guarantee of how this new situation, product, piece of art, or fledgling business will turn out. We are busy creating it. Creativity takes courage and the willingness to take risks. It requires experimentation.

Jesus calls us to take risks. When He called His disciples to follow Him, they were all stepping into unknown, unchartered territory for them (Matthew 4:18-22). He called them into a place where they needed to learn to rely on God.

Jesus was teaching this to Simon when He told him to go out into deep water to cast his nets (Luke 5:4.) And again, He called Peter to take a risk and walk out over the water (Matthew 14:29).

Where might Jesus be inviting you or your church to take a risk?

Painting: ‘Dual Vision’ by Michele Neethling at

Creative exercise

Just as you can strengthen your legs by doing a few squats every day, you can strengthen your courage by exercising it regularly. Take small steps. Do little things that scare you.

How might you practice courage this week?

Some ideas:

• Make a phone call and have that tough conversation.

• Write and tell someone what they mean to you.

• Set up that appointment with the doctor.

• Begin that new exercise plan.

• Confess your sin to a confidant.

• Begin writing that book (just a character sketch to start).


Almighty Father, You are faithful and steadfast. You have promised to be with me always. Thank You that I can call on You at any time to comfort and strengthen me. Thank You that Your Spirit gives me courage. Help me to recognize where fear is holding me back from Your creative calling on my life. Thank You that there is nothing that we can’t handle together. Amen.

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Made to Create: Uncover and Use Your Creative Gifts

Do you sense that you have something special to offer the world, but uncertainty or fear is holding you back? God is calling you to create. How do I know this? We yearn to create because we are made in the image of the Great Creator. Whether it is a business, family, program, ministry, or book, our Creator God has given us a deep desire to co-create with Him.
