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Unlocking God's Blueprint for Provision預覽

Unlocking God's Blueprint for Provision


As I read my devotional on Exodus 16:4 this morning, I was struck by a particular detail—how God provided the Israelites in the wilderness with "daily" bread.

I don’t know about you, but I want a monthly or yearly supply of bread so that I know it will be there.

But He didn’t do that for them, even though that would have made them feel more “safe;" instead, He wanted them to continually trust in Him that He would supply.

And notice that in Matthew 6:11, Jesus led the disciples to pray the same way by instructing them to pray, “give us our daily bread.”

There it is again. He could have taught them to ask for a yearly supply of bread, but He specifically instructed them to pray for “daily bread.”

The reason behind all this, I believe, is because God created us to be dependent on Him. His desire is that we wake up each morning looking to Him for our supply rather than looking to our bank account, our job, other people, the government, or anything or anyone else.

And I have come to believe He wants us to know and understand that He is our source in the deepest parts of our being.

So today, when you find yourself looking to anyone or anything else as your source, take a moment to re-orient your trust back to where it belongs: on the God of the universe who always was and always will be our provider.

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father, I come before You today, acknowledging You as my ultimate provider. Thank You for the gift of daily bread, and help me to always look to You as my source rather than anything or anyone else. May I wake up each morning with an awareness of my dependency on You.

In Jesus' name, Amen.



Unlocking God's Blueprint for Provision

Ever wonder how God really feels about providing for you? Join us in this 3-day journey to unlock divine secrets about daily bread, the blessing behind your hard work, and the godly cycle of giving and receiving. Say goodbye to financial stress and hello to a faith-filled future!
