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Meaningful Mentorship: Five Guiding Principles for Your Conversations預覽

Meaningful Mentorship: Five Guiding Principles for Your Conversations


Today, we delve into the reality of myths and their opposition to truth. Myths, crafted to justify sin, arise from misinterpreting, dismissing, or altering Scripture. We must immerse ourselves in God's Word and rely on the Holy Spirit's discernment to safeguard ourselves from deception. Let's explore how a deep understanding of God's truth equips us to recognize and reject myths, preserving the integrity of our faith.

Myths are no different now than they were then. In opposition to truth, myths are made-up beliefs to justify sin. Myths result from taking Scripture out of context, dismissing Scripture altogether, adding to Scripture, or clinging to a half-truth instead of the whole truth. This is one of the reasons why it’s so important that we know God’s Word for ourselves – so we can recognize when it has been altered or omitted.

But also, remember that if you are in Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells within you. And there is no such thing as half Holy Spirit or Holy Spirit Jr. My pastor, Bruce Frank, puts it this way: “It’s not a matter of how much of the Holy Spirit you have – but how much of you the Holy Spirit has.”

Ask God for His discernment to help you identify myths. If you’re unsure if something is right, go to God’s Word for answers. Notice that Paul says that those who turn to myths also turn away from the truth. Keep turning to the truth, and you won’t fall for myths. God is not a God of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). Measure all teachings, beliefs, and claims against the Scriptures. If something contradicts or diverges from the Bible, it is likely a myth.

Here are three more principles to practice in your mentorship and discipleship conversations:

  1. Check the Fruit: Examine the results or fruit of a teaching or belief. Does it lead to love, unity, and spiritual growth, or does it foster division, confusion, or ungodly behavior?
  2. Watch for Personal Bias: Be aware of your own biases and preconceptions. Remaining open to God's leading will help you avoid confirmation bias and be receptive to His truth.
  3. Focus on God's Character: Does the teaching align with the character of God as revealed in the Bible? God is loving, just, merciful, and holy. His truth will consistently reflect His nature.

Heavenly Father, as we navigate a world filled with myths and deceptive beliefs, grant us discernment through Your Holy Spirit. Help us recognize when Scripture is misused or omitted and anchor ourselves in Your unchanging truth. We seek clarity and understanding as we study Your Word, knowing that You are not a God of confusion. Guide us away from half-truths, drawing us closer to the fullness of Your Word. Keep us steadfast in Your truth so we may not fall for the allure of myths. Amen.

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Meaningful Mentorship: Five Guiding Principles for Your Conversations

Ever thought about how despite the size of Paul’s ministry, he chose to pen his last letter to one person: Timothy, a young pastor he deemed his spiritual son? In addition to powerful theology and practical application for living the gospel, 2 Timothy provides guiding principles for meaningful mentorship. We’ll look at five verses that will help guide your words and set the tone for your mentoring and discipleship conversations.
