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Are You Ready for What's Next?預覽

Are You Ready for What's Next?


Letting go

Picture this: you’re at an amusement park with your best friend who loves the thrill of roller coasters. You, on the other hand, hate roller coasters, but somehow you find yourself strapped into one at the peak of the biggest roller coaster in the park. As the cart comes to an agonizing stop, you are shot forward, looking straight down, noticing you’re no longer parallel with the ground. With all of your strength, you’re holding on to the handlebars and screaming out of fear for your life. On the other hand, your best friend has their hands up in the air and is hysterically laughing. I believe we’ve all been there before or have at least seen someone sitting in one seat or the other. One person is scared beyond measure and holding on tight to the limited amount of control over what the roller coast does next. The other person is freely having fun and trusting the roller coaster to do its job and bring them to the finish line.

The roller coaster is God and the vehicle of the roller coaster is your life. Are you enjoying the roller coaster of your life or are you holding onto everything you can control because you’re in fear of where it’s bringing you? Have you ever heard the cliche saying “Let go and let God?” Easier said than done. When you’re in a season of transition, it’s important to learn how to let go and allow God to reveal His will to you. There is a reason for this season.

In all honesty, it’s not easy to let go of things. We can’t help but think of all the “what ifs”. In our minds, we believe that if we hold onto things, we can control them. We fear letting go of things because of the unknown that comes with living life without the things you couldn’t imagine living without. More times than not, God will build you up using that as your testimony. There may be things that God has told you to let go of, but we fear losing what we’ve been called to let go of. It’s time for you to surrender it all to God and trust Him with it. I want to remind you that with the little bit of control that we have over our lives, God can do more with it than we ever could.

I want you to physically hold your hands up in the air and place whatever it is that you’re holding onto in your hands. Is it your relationship? Is it your finances? Is it forgiveness in your heart? As you’re holding it, now I want you to open your hands and let go! Look at the posture that you’re in. Your hands are open and giving whatever you’re holding onto to God. Not only are you in a posture of surrendering it to God, but you’ve also now positioned yourself to receive more from Him. God wants to bless you abundantly, but He’s encouraging you to trust Him with what He wants you to surrender to Him. Let go and trust Him with your past, your fears, your broken heart, and your fear of not knowing what’s next. The moment you posture your heart to let go, you’re now in a posture to receive.

It’s time to let go of the old and get ready for the new. In Matthew, the Bible reads:

“Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9‬:‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Action steps

It’s time, to be honest with yourself about the things and areas of your life that you need to let go of. If it’s a relationship, submit it to God and ask God for clarity about what He wants you to do. If it’s your finances, honor God through your tithes and trust Him with the 10%, and see what He’ll do with the 90%. If it’s your heart, ask God to reveal to you anything that He doesn’t approve of and give Him the authority to do what needs to be done. Are you holding onto the forgiveness of someone who has hurt you? Surrender it to God and allow Him to soften your heart. Surrendering each of these areas to God leaves room for Him to move. I encourage you to pray the prayer that you’re afraid of praying without holding back. Let go and get ready to receive the goodness of God.

Prayer for today

Father God, I thank you in advance for what’s next. I ask that you make me aware of your presence. Lead me so that I will follow. Draw near to me, Lord. Help me to trust you with all things and not just the things that I am comfortable with. I leave room for you today in my life. I confess that I don’t know what to do next, but I place my hope and faith in you. I ask that you will finish what you’ve started and make me your living testimony. I love you and I thank you for being patient with me. Please turn your ear to my prayers. In your name, I pray. Amen.

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Are You Ready for What's Next?

Have you ever had to ask yourself “What’s next?” When we’re in a season of transition, the unknown can be intimidating and scary. Seasons of transition are a natural segway of life. While some are unexpected, others are planned. This Bible plan will help you to navigate through this season of transition while trusting God's plan for your life.
