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Lies Christian Creatives Believe預覽

Lies Christian Creatives Believe



If you’ve embarked on this plan, it’s possible that you consider yourself to be creative but have believed at least one or more of the lies we tend to believe very often as Christian creatives. It’s also possible that you don’t believe you are creative at all and just stumbled upon this plan.

Either way, I pray that you are deeply encouraged over the next seven days.

Today, let’s tackle the most common lie a lot of us believe about ourselves—that we aren’t creative! Whether someone has told us we aren’t or whether we’ve compared ourselves to others and felt less creative or whether we just believe strongly that we aren’t, I want to reassure you that this is a lie!

When we face a crisis of identity, the best place to visit is the Word of God. The truth of the Word of God outweighs any lie the enemy whispers in our ears. One look at Genesis chapter 1 tells us that we are intentionally and intelligently created in the Image of God. It wasn’t an accident. He wanted us to resemble Him and, at the core of our identity, we are image-bearers of an extremely creative God.

Look around you today. EVERYTHING is created by God. He designed the world you and I live in. He holds copyright to the northern lights, parakeets, dolphins, sunflowers, peacocks, the Alps, panda cubs, and innumerable other things that exist because He imagined and created them. This highly artistic God didn’t just create you in His image, He also breathed His life into you. He’s basically empowered you to create like Him.

The enemy wants to attack your identity as a creator. He wants you to believe that you aren’t creative and that you can’t create anything that’s worth something. The last thing He wants is God’s children realizing how powerfully potent, inventive, resourceful, and original they are. If he succeeds in making sure you believe you aren’t creative, perhaps he can avoid dealing with the powerful impact you will have on posterity.

I hope that today as you read this, you understand your identity as a creative who is alive in Christ. I pray that you ask God to renew your mind and stop believing this very damaging lie anymore.

Let’s Pray Together:

Lord, I repent for not fully understanding that I’m an image-bearer of a very creative and artistic God. I am sorry that I’ve failed to see who I am in You. I’m sorry for questioning my identity in You. Please give me the mind of Christ and help me think like You, my Maker and my God. I declare today that I am creative, artistic, original, and extremely resourceful. In Jesus name, Amen.

A Creative Prompt:

I encourage you to do two things today:

  1. Take your journal, a piece of paper, a post-it, or just about anything you can get your hands on and write this down in caps: I AM CREATED TO CREATE. I AM CREATIVE LIKE MY MAKER. Put this up somewhere where you can see it so that you are constantly reminded of it.
  2. As an act of faith, breaking the power of this lie over your life, please take a moment to create something—anything! If you’re a song-writer, write a tiny chorus. If you’re an artist, paint. If you’re a writer, write. If you’re gifted in photography, it’s time to capture something! Whatever your creative gifting is, remind yourself of your identity and create something today!


Lies Christian Creatives Believe

As Christian creatives, we often believe lies about ourselves that hold us back from living out our artistic potential fully. When our identity and purpose are fogged by these lies, the only way to find freedom from them is to look to the only absolute truth—the Word of God. As you embark on the 7-day devotional, I pray that you will not just experience creative freedom but also spend time in the secret place drawing inspiration from God, the Grand Artist Himself.
