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Take Heart: A 5-Day Devotional by HLE預覽

Take Heart: A 5-Day Devotional by HLE


Day Three: Intercessory Worship

As a born-again child of God and worshiper, you cannot exist without prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5 says to pray without ceasing. That sounds impossible if we think about it the way we’ve been conditioned to---that it has to be with certain clothes, at a certain place, with certain surroundings and certain music or so. But if it’s required, we rejoice always and pray without ceasing and give thanks in all circumstances (verse 17), then it’s possible to have prayer go on even throughout the day. Or maybe should we say, it’s important.

We take being born again too easily. Being born again is you joining the army of God (2 Cor 12:4-13) and standing for the world, our families and loved ones. We fight a continuous war (Eph 6:12). The war is not against God. He’s won the victory. It’s against the ones who don’t know (yet) and are lost and those presenting the gospel to the lost.

The enemy hopes he fools us into joining his camp. He doesn’t want us to live eternal life found in Yeshua, the Son of the living God.

How does worship come in?

From what we learned worship to be yesterday, we know that He finds us in full attention to His Lordship and His voice. Praying from that standpoint is very important because your eyes are opened to the understanding of who He is.

It’s in this moment that you automatically shut out every other voice and only His voice of authority is heard. So, praying in the spirit at all times is being spiritually attentive throughout the day to the voice of God. It could be for an individual, many people, or yourself.

“But He answered, “it is written, ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of Adonai’”. (Matthew 4:4)

So, the bible expects us to keep praying and to LIVE by every word that comes from the Lord.

Acts 17:28 says we are His offspring and it’s in Him that we move and live. So, our day should be filled with Him more than anything else we prioritize because it’s good for those things too.

Divide your hour into four segments:

· 15 mins for thanksgiving

· 15 mins for reading of the Word

· 15 mins for worship

· 15 mins prayer

After you’ve finished your prayer time, you do not stop praying in the Spirit.

Praying in tongues and in the Spirit are not the same. Tongues is a language of the Spirit given by the Holy Spirit. But praying in the Spirit is being led in prayer by what the Holy Spirit leads you to. That’s why you’ll find yourself praying for a man you see at a mall to be healed from a sickness or a lady to come to Christ or you’ll sow into someone who has been trusting God for help.

You don’t just know those things. People are loved and made by God. He knows them.

Praying in the Spirit even protects you from attacks the enemy tries to bring your way. You’ll feel you want to take a detour from your normal drive home and find that right where you were heading was a dangerous situation waiting to attack you. But because of the continuous prayer, the access the enemy wants to have is so broken he can’t find you because you’re dwelling in the secret place of the Most High!

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Take Heart: A 5-Day Devotional by HLE

There’s an understanding that you can only worship in church or in the setting where there are people and band and singers. Whether or not we realize it, we are robbing ourselves of a very important part of our existence. Worship is like air to us. Just like water is to fish, so is worship to us. And the more you do this exercise is the more you’ll see how vital it is. Every day we will learn something new to incorporate into our daily meditation, prayer and worship routine. I know it will make a huge difference in your life.
