Teach Me To Pray預覽

Characteristics of Powerful Prayer: Confident
Here’s another prayer misconception that God would like to correct. You would think that an appropriate attitude for needy, often foolish, often backsliding Christians when they approach the throne would be abject humility. You would think that we would offer up our requests timidly, not daring to think that the Great One would think our little problems as worth his time. You would think that we would tiptoe around him, walking on eggshells of fear, murmuring our needs quickly, and then backing away toward the door.
Nonsense, says the apostle James. You are God’s beloved child, a royal prince or princess of heaven, a royal priest of the heavenly temple. God wants you to believe in the importance of your requests and believe him when he says he eagerly receives information about the parts of your life in which you need help. “When he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does” (James 1:6-8).
Doubt comes from Satan. If he can plant doubts in your brain and lead you to suspect that God is laughing at you, has contempt for you, is ignoring you, or is blowing off your troubles, your prayer voice will be timid indeed and soon stop. But believe his Word! Claim your new identity! Speak up! No fear! No doubts! He smiles when he sees you approach.
Here’s another prayer misconception that God would like to correct. You would think that an appropriate attitude for needy, often foolish, often backsliding Christians when they approach the throne would be abject humility. You would think that we would offer up our requests timidly, not daring to think that the Great One would think our little problems as worth his time. You would think that we would tiptoe around him, walking on eggshells of fear, murmuring our needs quickly, and then backing away toward the door.
Nonsense, says the apostle James. You are God’s beloved child, a royal prince or princess of heaven, a royal priest of the heavenly temple. God wants you to believe in the importance of your requests and believe him when he says he eagerly receives information about the parts of your life in which you need help. “When he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does” (James 1:6-8).
Doubt comes from Satan. If he can plant doubts in your brain and lead you to suspect that God is laughing at you, has contempt for you, is ignoring you, or is blowing off your troubles, your prayer voice will be timid indeed and soon stop. But believe his Word! Claim your new identity! Speak up! No fear! No doubts! He smiles when he sees you approach.

Is your prayer life sometimes unfulfilling? forced? confused? nonexistent? The Bible is full of stories and passages that can guide and inspire you to a better prayer life. These devotions, one for each day of your month plus one bonus devotion, offer encouraging words from the Word to help you with your prayer time with God.