Coping With Pain And Adversity預覽

My Response to Adversity - Be Yourself
Be honest with God. Tell him how you really feel. Cut out the spiritual jargon and the cliches. Cry your heart out and tell him how much you're hurting. There is no protocol with God.
He can handle your immaturity and your tantrums. When I think of David asking God to break the teeth of his enemies, or Job telling God plainly that he didn't think he deserved the state he was in, or King Hezekiah beseeching God for an extension on his life while in the throes of a terminal illness, it comforts me that being real with God is what he wants. He already knows what I need and want, but he loves it when I come to him just as I am!
Be honest with God. Tell him how you really feel. Cut out the spiritual jargon and the cliches. Cry your heart out and tell him how much you're hurting. There is no protocol with God.
He can handle your immaturity and your tantrums. When I think of David asking God to break the teeth of his enemies, or Job telling God plainly that he didn't think he deserved the state he was in, or King Hezekiah beseeching God for an extension on his life while in the throes of a terminal illness, it comforts me that being real with God is what he wants. He already knows what I need and want, but he loves it when I come to him just as I am!

Life never goes the way we want and often takes us down paths of uncertainty and difficulty. This devotional covers a series of lessons that the author experienced firsthand during a crisis in his life and aims to help you cope courageously and tenaciously in the midst of the storms of your life.