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10 Ways to Beat Porn 預覽

10 Ways to Beat Porn


When battling pornography, starve your flesh by cutting off trigger points.

Jesus said, “if your hand, foot, or eye causes you to sin, cut it off." He did not mean to cut off our bodily parts, we need our hands, feet, and eyes to move and function.

Let’s apply this practically to different trigger points of pornography. For some people, their phone causes an urge to view pornography; for others, it’s the computer, movies, or subscriptions.

It is important to live a pure life because if you willfully practice and live a life of sin, it will drag you to hell. When Jesus said it is better to enter heaven missing an eye than to go to hell with all your body parts, He meant we need to have an aggressive approach to removing things that trigger unwanted desires of the flesh.

I always tell people: if you want to live in purity, you will have to choose prison.

Prison is when you place restrictions on your liberty and on what is lawful to you. It is worth making a drastic change to what you have available at your fingertips in order to live a life in purity devoted to God.

Today’s Prayer: 

Father, I am tired of living in sin, I want to live a life of purity, no matter the cost. Lord, give me the self-discipline to imprison the trigger points in my life in order to starve my flesh.

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10 Ways to Beat Porn

If you have struggled with an addiction to pornography, God wants to lead you to full freedom. There can be great guilt and shame that can accompany pornography. During these ten days, I want to share some practical advice to help you find true freedom from this addiction.
