Am I the Master’s Choice?預覽

End in Focus
When we start an assignment, we agree on the requirements and the expected outcome, procure required resources, and gather inputs. We define indicators to assess key success factors. We plan meticulously, prioritize and then execute the plan. But during the course of implementation, other activities may get added to our plate and our priorities might change. But it is essential to review our plans and priorities to stay focused on the primary goal. Tools such as the Eisenhower Matrix help us in identifying the urgent and important ones. As we gain experience, this practice becomes routine.
Abraham’s servant sought the Lord’s guidance to make his journey successful. He realized from Rebecca’s response that this woman was the bride-to-be. But the marriage can happen only if her family consented to send her to a faraway place, possibly never to meet again. Before accepting the dinner given in his honor, he conveyed the purpose of his visit. His priority was not to socialize but to successfully complete his master’s assignment.
After receiving the consent of the bride’s family, the servant could have rested for some time. But, he politely declined to wait for a few days but got ready to return the very next morning with the bride-to-be. He was neither rushing home nor was he lax in executing the work, but planned to return to his master without any delay. He kept on progressing in his mission without losing any time. His focus was on finishing the assigned work promptly.
It is essential that we fulfill the responsibility for which we were hired. Be it big or small, that is the reason for our existence in the organization. Aligning ourselves to the organization’s vision, using our God-given abilities and skills, we need to plan well and execute our duties with careful (re) prioritization. Fulfilling our core assignment is all that ultimately matters to the management.
Can our boss say that we always focus on the end goal of our primary work? Can he/she say that we execute our work with precision and with suitable adjustments along the way to fulfill the responsibility successfully?
Lord, enable me to execute my duties, never losing sight of the end goal. Amen

It is essential that we fulfill the responsibility for which we were called by God and hired by our company. What is the Vision/Purpose of your life from God’s point of view and how have you been fulfilling it? Who other than God can guide us in His will and purpose?