YouVersion 標識




We all find ourselves tempted to go after the things of the world. Money, status, power, popularity—we all want those things in this life. The problem is that those things don’t last. Though they may give us happiness for a moment, they won’t keep us happy for long. That’s why God calls us to instead focus our interests on things that are more lasting—things like integrity, wisdom, honor, and love. Those things will not only make your life better today, but they’ll stick with you as you grow. They’ll make your life better in the long run, too! 

This week, try to memorize this Proverb to remind you of the things God wants you to chase after in this life.

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Living out God’s plan for your relationships . . . A middle school devotional designed to complement the teaching series, “Awkward.” In this devotional you’ll find encouragement to live out God’s plan for your relationships with integrity and wisdom in the way you treat both others and yourself.
