
What is the key to spiritual growth?
As newborn babies crave milk and need it to grow, so genuine new Christians crave God’s Word and need it to grow strong in faith. (1 Peter 2:2–3)
The more we hear or read the Bible, the more our faith will grow. (Romans 10:17)
How can I resist temptation?
Jesus resisted temptation, not by willpower, but by knowing and quoting God’s Word. We can win the temptation war the same way, by knowing and speaking God’s Word. (Matthew 4:3-4)
Head knowledge and religious facts don’t produce purity and holiness. The Word planted deep in our hearts will keep us away from sin. (Psalm 119:9,11)
What is the key to spiritual growth?
As newborn babies crave milk and need it to grow, so genuine new Christians crave God’s Word and need it to grow strong in faith. (1 Peter 2:2–3)
The more we hear or read the Bible, the more our faith will grow. (Romans 10:17)
How can I resist temptation?
Jesus resisted temptation, not by willpower, but by knowing and quoting God’s Word. We can win the temptation war the same way, by knowing and speaking God’s Word. (Matthew 4:3-4)
Head knowledge and religious facts don’t produce purity and holiness. The Word planted deep in our hearts will keep us away from sin. (Psalm 119:9,11)

One-2-One was written as a simple tool to aid in personal follow-up and discipleship. It’s a guide. It cannot make a disciple, but it can help you make one. Most importantly, it helps a new disciple get the right start.
This reading plan is provided by Every Nation.