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Names of God: Through Thanksgiving & Christmas預覽

Names of God: Through Thanksgiving & Christmas


Jesus warns believers in this passage against self-centered works, materialism, anxiety, and worry. He explains that material needs will be taken care of, but spiritual needs are most important and should be the priority in our lives.   

Believers can fall into a pattern of self-protection, where we actively seek things that make us feel secure, things that protect us from pain, and things that keep us in our comfort zone. Instead of relying on God completely, we attempt to incorporate God into our own desires for comfort and convenience. When we worry, we take our eyes off of God and His unlimited resources and put them on ourselves and our limits. 

What are you seeking first in life? Does your life demonstrate one lived in absolute faith in the Lord? Or is your life filled with anxiety, worry, and fear of the future?  Has the accumulation of material possessions, wealth, status, or position become your goal, crowding out your desire for spiritual growth? What changes would you see in your life if you wholeheartedly sought first the kingdom of God? 

Father God, You are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the author and finisher of our faith. We were created to worship You. Though sometimes, Lord, my heart strays and I struggle to seek You first. So many other things and so many people have my heart, steal Your worship, and distract me from Your love. Lord, empty me of the preoccupation with materialism, worry, and anxiety. Remove any idols in my life that seek to take Your place in my heart.  Lord, forgive my selfishness, my self-centeredness, and my self-seeking ways. When I struggle to trust You with my needs, remind me that You are bigger than my desires, my worries and fears, and my small plans and ambitions. Lord, remind me that Your desire and plan for me is much bigger than my own and I can trust You implicitly. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

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Names of God: Through Thanksgiving & Christmas

What’s in a name? The many beautiful names of God reveal something about who he is and why he functions the way he does. Names of God – specifically written to help us focus on our Lord during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons – walks us through the study of six of the names God has given himself. Time is spent looking at the truths these names reveal about God, and how this knowledge should practically impact our everyday decisions, emotions, and relationships. “For what higher, more exalted, and more compelling goal can there be than to know God?” ~ J.I. Packer. Come join us as we get to know God more fully and spend time adoring him for who he is. God shows himself to us through his names because of his great love for us. We, in turn, have the privilege of loving, worshipping and resting in Him on an even deeper level during this reflective time of year. Journal with us as we go through this study for the next six weeks…reading and writing what God speaks into our hearts.

