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Walk in the Holy Spirit預覽

Walk in the Holy Spirit


You can’t have a friendship with someone when you keep calling them “it." Many people don’t have fellowship with the Holy Spirit because they view the Holy Spirit as a force instead of a friend. They see Him as a power, not as a person. Jesus never referred to the Holy Spirit as “it” but always as “He." The Holy Spirit is a person. He is not a dove, wind, fire, cloud, force, or power. He is not even a feeling. He is not power. He is a real person.

To talk to the Holy Spirit, we must view Him as a person. Some see the Holy Spirit as tongues. Therefore, they think that because they speak in tongues, they have all that there is to have of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is a powerful gift that unlocks other gifts, but communion with the Holy Spirit is more than just speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It’s a gift, but the Holy Spirit is a person. No, the Holy Spirit is not tongues; He is God.

It’s possible to speak in tongues by faith but not have any intimacy or friendship with the Holy Spirit. It’s possible to walk in the gifts and still lack a relationship. Samson exercised his gift of extraordinary strength but didn’t have any connection to the Spirit of God. Jesus warned of people who cast out demons, heal the sick, and prophesize, but don’t know Him and practice sin. A relationship with the Holy Spirit must take priority over walking in His power and gifts. Speaking in tongues should fuel your relationship with the Holy Spirit, but don’t view the Holy Spirit as merely speaking in tongues. That's like saying that Jesus is a sinner's prayer. The sinner's prayer leads a person to salvation, but Jesus is God and a person, and He is greater than “a prayer.” The Holy Spirit is more than tongues; He is God. He wants a relationship. That relationship starts with understanding that we must view Him as a person not “it." He wants to be your friend. Stop treating Him as a force. The Holy Spirit is not power; He is a person.

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Walk in the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit has become the forgotten God. Let’s not forget that the Holy Spirit authored the scriptures, but the author is always greater than his book. Jesus relied on the Holy Spirit while on this earth, thus leaving us an example to do the same.
