20 Days Of Relational Health預覽

I tried to see my family’s situation through logic. But that didn’t heal my hurt. I considered cutting the offending person out of my life. But that would only cause more brokenness. Though it’s not my first instinct, the only way I’ve found to survive is to cover the betrayer in grace and love.
When I concentrate on how much Jesus loves the one who hurt me, I can extend love too. I’m learning to set healthy boundaries, but also to train my mind to see the situation through the lens of God’s mercy. I focus on His love for this individual when I don’t have much of my own to give. This switch of perspective helps to heal my wound and settle my mind.
Jesus loves sinners. He hates the sin that causes them to fall, but He loves His people no matter what they do. He’s forever able to forgive the worst offense when it’s brought to Him in repentance.
That’s the key. When someone betrays us, repentance begins righting the wrong on their end, and mercy starts working on ours. We can choose to rid our hearts of bitterness and anger and instead cover the person with compassion. The best part is, when we demonstrate love over hate we too receive blessings from Jesus—peace and comfort. Who is He calling you to cover in love? Ask God for His help to do so.
~ Andrea Chatelain
We hope this reading plan, written by the Wholly Loved Ministry team and other contributing writers blessed you. Visit WhollyLoved.com for more faith-bu ilding resources.

Our hearts crave deep, lasting connections--to know we are loved and belong. This Bible reading plan will help you grow in your relationships as you learn to love others well, speak and live in truth, and set the healthy boundaries that will allow your relationships to thrive.