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Finding Certainty From Faith // Believing Through It All預覽

Finding Certainty From Faith // Believing Through It All


(What Saves) When You Doubt Your Very Worth

Do you believe that what I’ve given you is enough? Let’s start here. You wonder about many things—looking in amazement at the success of others. You look at their many gifts, their productivity, their use of time and talents and resources. You say, surely, they are loved. Or, surely, you enjoy being with them. 

But, you ask, do you love me, Father? Do you enjoy me? Do you enjoy being with me? Do you give gifts to me, things to do with my time and my talents, that bring joy to your heart? Are you proud of me, Father? Am I doing enough so that you are pleased with me? Are what others are doing with their time and their talents something that pleases you more?

And you live in turmoil. Your heart a storm of doubt, of insecurity, of unrest. How do you find rest here, you wonder.

And I tell you this now, so pay attention: In the kingdom there is a star. It is small, this star, at least to your eyes. But it twinkles. Its light shimmering and dancing as you look. It feels far away, a miracle of matter and dream. It sits in the sky, a spectacle, a wonder. You marvel at its glow, how it illuminates the dark sky without even trying. It is what it is, shining the light I give it, a piece of wildness and beauty. It exudes no effort in being what it is. This is who you are, the truth of you, too.

I did not make you for fear, for dissension, for enmity with others and with your own self. I have made you to shine. In the way only you can shine. So, son, daughter, put to death the distortions, the temptations, the distractions, the noise. And set your mind on what is Truth. Fill your mind with what is good. Look to Me for answers and nowhere else. Measure your worth by this one action item, your whole life: letting yourself be loved . . . by Me. It is only my love for you that saves you from yourself. It is only my love that cancels out the lies that rob you of peace. It is only my love for you that allows you to shine like you are meant to shine. 

Come, now. Shine.


In this message, Holy Spirit says,  “Set your mind on what is Truth . . . Fill your mind with what is good.”

Eugene Peterson wrote a book about reading the Bible called Eat this Book: A Conversation in the Art of Spiritual Reading. In it he writes about the tremendous impact the Bible has on us when we read it—not passively, not gingerly—but with expectation, excitement, gusto. The Bible, after all, is not just some set of words or set of stories. It is the beginning of conversation with the One who loves us. It is the beginning of relationship with our Father God. He speaks, and the words on the page are more than words. His words nourish us. The words in the Bible are food, sustenance for our souls.

There is something important for you to do here; there is much for you to receive. For God, in his love, in his Word, has something to say to you—just for you.

Let the words settle in deep. Mull them over. Taste them. Feel them. Imagine them. See them. Let God’s “I love you,” each time, penetrate your heart.

Here is the first verse, Zephaniah 3:17 :

"The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing." 

What words stood out to you? What image did you see? What was your favorite thing He said? 

Here is the second verse. Pay attention to what God is saying to you, through these words, about his love for you. His “I love you,” will sound different each time. Romans 8:38-39 :

"So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that his love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken his love. There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!"

What did you hear? What did He say to you? What words or images resonate most deeply? 

Now, let’s respond to him . . .

Father, Your love for me astounds me. It is way beyond what I can ever understand. But I receive it, I am filled with it, and I love You back. I love You. You rescue me, and I love You. You dance over me, and I love you. You quiet me when I am worried, when I am overwhelmed, when I am tired, and I love You. You sent your Son to die for me that I might be in relationship with You and receive Your love, and I love You. Nothing can separate me from your love. Thank You Father. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. Fill me with even more of Your love.

I love You. Amen. 

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Finding Certainty From Faith // Believing Through It All

Having faith is not always easy, but you can trust that God’s love will guide you. You are equipped with His Spirit, and no matter the circumstances, He will give you His perspective if you but ask. Through every trial and celebration, the Lord is your constant. With this four-day plan from Rush via Gather Ministries, allow God to show you the way, revealing His loving presence in all situations.
