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Active Faith


Active Faith

For the most part we have an idea of the concept of faith. As believers we know that it is impossible to please God without having faith ( Hebrews 11:6). But what if I told you that just having faith and just believing is not enough? We must put action behind our faith if we truly want to please God and live according to His will. 

Our faith is tested when we are required to put action behind it. What makes it even more difficult is we know that faith is something we cannot see. “We walk by faith, not by sight”, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”… We are familiar with these popular verses about faith and it being something that does not require sight. But we have to remember that faith does require ACTION. Acting on something you cannot see is a difficult task but in order to do so, we have to perform the first action which is TRUSTING God.

Imagine the crazy looks that Noah received when he started building the Ark. The flood did not come for many years after God told Noah to build the Ark. Noah had to be ACTIVE in his faith and begin building even though he did not see any evidence of rain or flood. He trusted God’s words and obeyed. Later the flood came and Noah and his family were saved and able to live on the Ark that he built.

What task, dream, or goal are you procrastinating on or hesitating to act on because you can't SEE it right now? If God has given you that dream or vision, start ACTING in Faith now and God will provide everything necessary to reach it. See, when God gives us a dream or a task, we see the tree fully bloomed and full of fruit. But God doesn’t give us that fruitful tree. He gives us a seed. It is up to us to till the soil, plant the seed, water the seed, and nurture that dream until it grows into that tree full of fruit. We have to put action behind our faith and do our part with what God has given us. 


Click Here For Faith & Fitness Workout Day 6! 



Active Faith

How can you be active in your faith daily? Through the trials and tribulations of life, it is vital that we are both physically and spiritually fit. The Active Faith Sports team developed this reading plan to provide practical ways to be active in your faith and your fitness. Instructional videos have been provided by Terry Williams of the League Elite Training Facility in Houston, Texas.
