The Power Of Being Thankful預覽

God’s Faithful Provision
God is faithful, and because faithfulness is embedded in His character, He cannot fail us or let us down. Experience with God gives us experience with His faithfulness. We all have needs, but we can be thankful that He meets those needs time and again. He may not always do what we would like, but He does do the right thing. He may not be early, but He is never too late.
I have seen God come through multitudes of times during the years I have been serving Him. I can truly say God is faithful. He has given me needed strength, answers that came just in time, right friends in right places, open doors of opportunity, encouragement, needed finances, and much more. And He will do the same for you! There is nothing we need that God cannot provide.
Prayer of Thanks: I thank You today, Father, that You are faithful. Your provision is always exactly what I need and exactly when I need it. Help me to look to You for provision in my life. Thank You that You are more than enough for me.

Joyce Meyer believes that giving thanks to God daily will positively impact our lives. When we pause to acknowledge His blessings it restores us to a state of spiritual peace. In this reading plan you'll find fourteen inspiring messages that will spark an attitude of gratitude in our hearts. Through uplifting Scripture, she illustrates God's never-ending love, inexhaustible grace, and always-accessible presence in our lives. As we develop a renewed outlook, we will better recognize and be further blessed by God's abundant goodness.